Parent/Caregiver Rights

At Crossroads Children’s Mental Health Centre we understand that parenting is hard.  We all do our best but sometimes despite this our child’s behavior can frustrate and worry us.

Crossroads is at the forefront of proven treatment approaches, including practice and training in Collaborative Problem Solving (CPS), which is increasingly recognized as a best practice model in the delivery of mental health services for children and youth.  We believe every child wants to do well and would if they could.  When they can’t, it’s because they are lacking the skill(s) required to do well.  We will teach you and your child these skills and more.

The following is a summary of some of your rights when you come to Crossroads.  A more detailed orientation package with specific rights will be given to you when you begin services with us.

What are Your Rights? 

Here is a summary of some of your rights when you come to Crossroads:

You have the right to be a partner in the treatment planning for your child,

You have the right to make decisions about service or support, including the right to refuse or discontinue treatment,

You have the right to know how we keep your information confidential,

You have the right to services that are respect, value and acknowledge your diversity,

You have the right to be informed of the risks and benefits of treatment at Crossroads,

You have the right to give feedback and make raise any concerns or complaints you may have.


Here is a 20 minute YouTube video that will give you a better idea of who we are and what we do at Crossroads If your child is coming to us for therapy, please watch this 5 minute video together



Child & Family Clinic Hours


Let us know if you would prefer an in-person,  phone, or virtual session when booking your appointment.

WEDNESDAY 9am – noon  and

THURSDAY  Noon-8pm 


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