OLD About Us page

What exactly does the Crossroads Children’s Mental Health Centre (CCMHC) do?

We work with children under 12 years of age (and their families) struggling with severe emotional, behavioral and social difficulties. We specialize in behavioral problems such as aggression, impulsivity, poor social skills, anxiety, sadness, depression, fear, and suicidal thoughts.

We believe that children do well if they can. When they can’t, we need to understand what is getting in the way of their success (this means crucial thinking skills are not fully developed (lagging). We identify the lagging skill and retrain the child so that he or she can do well and assist the family to do the same. We offer a wide range of services and will work with you to determine which one best fits your family’s needs. Many of our services are provided right in your home. This is very valuable as it allows for the opportunity to learn and apply new tools and strategies in your everyday living environment. Other services are provided close to the home community, in the least restrictive setting possible, and are coordinated and delivered through linkages between service providers.

Our services are responsive to your cultural, racial and ethnic interests. Your diversity is valued and acknowledged, and CCMHC will be responsive to those needs in planning and delivering services.

We believe in always being the best we can be.  CCMHC practices are informed by research and evidence. We work hard to ensure that our services utilize best practices and produce good outcomes. We do extensive program evaluation that we would be happy to share with you.

Here is our Strategic Plan 2017-2020 and Crossroads Children’s Centre 2018 Audit FS.   Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.

Child & Family Clinic


Let us know if you prefer an in-person,  phone, or virtual session when booking your appointment.  Now available Monday through Friday.


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