Dates and details for the Fall 2024 Jiu Jitsu Program will announced next week (1st week of September).
Email us to be on the waitlist:
What makes this program “therapeutic”?
The curriculum for this program is based upon developing the skill of emotional regulation. Emotional regulation refers to one’s ability to identify, express, and meet their emotional needs in an adaptive way. Each week there is a goal relating to an aspect of emotional regulation, structured similar to a course of therapy that may be delivered at Crossroads. For example, week 1 will focus on identifying the relationships between emotions and body cues that tell us that we may be feeling that way. Week 2 will build upon this by exploring how we feel those emotions differently as they increase in intensity, etc.
What if parents have questions about the therapeutic aspects being explored each week?
At the beginning of the group, parents will be provided with the curriculum for the whole program. This curriculum will have each goal for the week identified, the therapeutic techniques being used to reach the goal, the jiu jitsu activities that were used to practice the techniques, and any additional resources relating to the goal.
Importantly, parents will also have the opportunity to troubleshoot or discuss these strategies by booking sessions with the therapist involved in the program.
How will my child be supported in this program?
There will be at least 4 adults on the mats at all times, meaning the adult to child ratio is 1:2. If a child is having a hard time in class there will support readily available to help the child regulate and rejoin the class. There is also a matted space outside the main dojo if kids need a break from the area.
Is it safe to teach my child jiu jitsu?
Jiu jitsu is the martial art of control leading to submission (giving up) and it is a “grappling” based martial art. In contrast to other “striking” based martial arts like karate, boxing, or tae kwon do, the purpose of jiu jitsu is to grab and control an opponent and end a conflict, rather than to injure or hurt the other person necessarily. The techniques being taught in this program will be mostly for self-defense. Because jiu jitsu involves “rolling” (sparring), kids are provided with safe outlet to get out their energy in a well supervised setting, while also learning body awareness for themselves, but also their partners’ well being.
Please take a look at this promotional video developed with the support of Algonquin College if you or your child would like to see a walk through of the program space.
Help with the Cost:
Costs may be covered by Ontario Autism Program (OAP) funding under mental health. Receipts will be issued by a registered social worker able to provide psychotherapy. Some insurance plans may cover a portion of costs related to psychotherapy or social work.
To register please contact Sandie at or 613-723-1623 ext. 259.
For more information, contact Alex Duncan, MSW, RSW at or 613-723-1623 ext. 288.