Getting Started

Getting Started and Informed

If your child is under the age of 12 — including infants and newborns — and you live in Ottawa, give us a call at 613-723-1623, extension 232, or email us at  We will do our best to answer your questions and explain what steps to take to access our services.   All of our services are free of charge.

Crossroads is not funded to serve Francophone families.  Le Cap in Ottawa’s east end provides French language services.  They can be reached by calling 613-789-2240;

Services when you need them

For a single session without a long wait you can access our Child & Family Clinic both in person or virtually.  All you need to do is make an appointment at or 613-723-1623 extension 232.  Our address is 1755 Courtwood Crescent. The clinic is open Wednesdays from 9 a.m. to noon and Thursdays from noon to 8 p.m.   A single session provides an opportunity to meet with a counsellor who will help you determine the best course of action to address your concerns. At the end of the session, you may:

  • decide that you have what you need to support your child with your existing strengths, resources, and networks;
  • gain ideas, information and referrals for follow up on supports for your child;
  • leave with an appointment for additional services with Crossroads, such as in-home treatment, child and family therapy, or skill building groups.

If you would prefer not to have a single session,  please give us a call at 613-723-1623, extension 232 so that we can explore other service options with you.

IMPORTANT: When you come to the walk-in clinic or call us for services, Crossroads is required by law to inquire about custody arrangements. In the event of joint custody, both parents must agree to services, including a child being seen at the clinic. Feel free to contact us if you have any questions:  613-723-1623, extension 232.

Parent Support

When you contact us we will actively listen to your concerns and help you determine the right course of action for your situation.  We may refer you to services within Crossroads Children’s Mental Health Centre or help you find other services in the community that are better suited to your family’s needs.

Trying to find the right mental health service at the right time for your child can sometimes leave parents/caregivers feeling confused, stressed or alone. Parents Lifeline of Eastern Ontario (PLEO) is staffed by parents who understand what you are going through because they have supported their own child through the mental health or addiction system. PLEO’s confidential helpline:  In Ottawa call: 613-321-3211.  Outside Ottawa within Eastern Ontario call: 1-855-775-7005 (Toll Free) is another option to help you find the right mental health or addictions service.  They also navigate the system for children and youth with complex mental health and substance use health/addiction needs – guiding, problem-solving and managing ongoing care.  This service is for the birth to age 21 age range.


Crisis Services

24/7 Crisis Line – Youth Services Bureau

24/7 Distress Line-Ottawa Distress Centre and Region

Directory of Services and Resources:

311 Ottawa

Parent/Caregiver Support:

Parents’ Lifelines of Eastern Ontario

Parents for Children’s Mental Health

Collaborative Problem-Solving:

Think Kids

Child Development:

Centre on the Developing Child at Harvard

Ontario Centre of Excellence For Child and Youth Mental Health

Child & Family Clinic


Let us know if you prefer an in-person,  phone, or virtual session when booking your appointment.  Now available Monday through Friday.


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