Crossroads Children’s Mental Health Centre
Crossroads is funded to provide services to residents of the City of Ottawa.
Ashton | Fitzroy Harbour | Marlborough | Rideau Township |
Bearbrook | Gloucester | Metcalfe | Rockliffe Park |
Bells Corners | Greely | Munster | Sarsfield |
Burritts Rapids | Goulbourn Township | Navan | Stittsville |
Carlsbad Springs | Huntley | Nepean | Vars |
Carp | Kanata | North Gower | Vanier |
City View | Kars | Notre Dame Des Champs | Vernon |
Constance Bay | Kenmore | Osgoode | West Carleton Township |
Cumberland | Kinburn | Ottawa | Woodlawn |
Dunrobin | Manotick | Richmond | |
Edwards | March |
We cannot provide services to residents outside of the City of Ottawa.
Adamston | Curran | Lochiel | Portland |
Alexandria | Darling Township | Lombardy | Prescott |
Alfred | Deep River | Longueuil | Renfrew |
Algona | Delta | L’Orignal | Rockland |
Almonte | Drummond | Lyn | Russell |
Applehill | Eganville | Lyndhurst | St-Anne de Prescott |
Arnprior | Elgin | Mackey’s Station | St. Eugene |
Athens | Elizabethtown | Mallorytown | St. Isidore de Prescott |
Augusta | Elmsley | Martintown | Seeley’s Bay |
Avonmore | Embrun | Matilda | Sherbrooke |
Barry’s Bay | Finch | Maxville | Smith Falls |
Beachburg | Foresters Falls | Merrickville | South Elmsley |
Bissett Creek | Fournier | Monkland | South Mountain |
Bourget | Frankville | Montagne | Spencerville |
Braeside | Gananoque | Moose Creek | Stonecliffe |
Brockville | Golden Lake | Morewood | Toledo |
Caledonia | Grattan | Morrisburg | Vankleek |
Cardinal | Hawkesbury | Mountain | Walford |
Carleton Place | Horton | Newboro | Wendover |
Casselman | Ingleside | Newington | Westport |
Chalk River | Iroquois | North Agusta | Wilberforce |
Chesterville | Kemptville | Pakenham | Williamsburg |
Chute a Blondeau | Killaloe | Pembroke | Williamstown |
Clarence Creek | Lanard | Perth | Wilno |
Cobden | Lancaster | Petawawa | Winchester |
Cornwall | Lansdowne | Plantagenet | Winchester Springs |
Crysler | Lafaive | Point Alexander | Anywhere in Quebec |
Call us to learn about possible services in your area, 613-723-1623 ext. 232,
or visit