Area Served

Crossroads Children’s Mental Health Centre


Crossroads is funded to provide services to residents of the City of Ottawa.

Ashton Fitzroy Harbour Marlborough Rideau Township
Bearbrook Gloucester Metcalfe Rockliffe Park
Bells Corners Greely Munster Sarsfield
Burritts Rapids Goulbourn Township Navan Stittsville
Carlsbad Springs Huntley Nepean Vars
Carp Kanata North Gower Vanier
City View Kars Notre Dame Des Champs Vernon
Constance Bay Kenmore Osgoode West Carleton Township
Cumberland Kinburn Ottawa Woodlawn
Dunrobin Manotick Richmond
Edwards March

We cannot provide services to residents outside of the City of Ottawa.

Adamston Curran Lochiel Portland
Alexandria Darling Township Lombardy Prescott
Alfred Deep River Longueuil Renfrew
Algona Delta L’Orignal Rockland
Almonte Drummond Lyn Russell
Applehill Eganville Lyndhurst St-Anne de Prescott
Arnprior Elgin Mackey’s Station St. Eugene
Athens Elizabethtown Mallorytown St. Isidore de Prescott
Augusta Elmsley Martintown Seeley’s Bay
Avonmore Embrun Matilda Sherbrooke
Barry’s Bay Finch Maxville Smith Falls
Beachburg Foresters Falls Merrickville South Elmsley
Bissett Creek Fournier Monkland South Mountain
Bourget Frankville Montagne Spencerville
Braeside Gananoque Moose Creek Stonecliffe
Brockville Golden Lake Morewood Toledo
Caledonia Grattan Morrisburg Vankleek
Cardinal Hawkesbury Mountain Walford
Carleton Place Horton Newboro Wendover
Casselman Ingleside Newington Westport
Chalk River Iroquois North Agusta Wilberforce
Chesterville Kemptville Pakenham Williamsburg
Chute a Blondeau Killaloe Pembroke Williamstown
Clarence Creek Lanard Perth Wilno
Cobden Lancaster Petawawa Winchester
Cornwall Lansdowne Plantagenet Winchester Springs
Crysler Lafaive Point Alexander Anywhere in Quebec

Call us to learn about possible services in your area, 613-723-1623 ext. 232,

or visit

Child & Family Clinic


Let us know if you prefer an in-person,  phone, or virtual session when booking your appointment.  Now available Monday through Friday.


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