In pdf format: CCMHC AODA MultiYearPlan 2024-2029-compressed
Crossroads Children’s Mental Health Centre (CCMHC) works exclusively with children up to the age of 12 and their families. We are committed to developing and delivering a wide range of mental health services to help children and families struggling with severe emotional, behavioural and social challenges. Our mission, vision, and values can be found on this website.
Statement of Commitment
CCMHC is committed to meeting the needs of people with disabilities by preventing and removing barriers to accessibility wherever possible. CCMHC will strive to provide its services in a way that respects the dignity and independence of people with disabilities. CCMHC will ensure that our premises are welcoming and accessible to people with disabilities, their support person(s) and animals. CCMHC meets, and will continue to meet, accessibility requirements under the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005, S.O. 2005, c. 11.
Accessibility for people with disabilities is understood as relating to attitudes, knowledge, and skills of service providers, policies and practices, buildings and design, information and communication. The collective actions of these determine our level of accessibility, integration, and efficacy regarding disability issues from a client, family member, employee or community perspective. This Plan is designed to describe the processes used to identify, remove, and prevent barriers; the progress made towards enhancing accessibility at CCMHC; and how the organization will ensure compliance and inform the public.
CCMHC considers the realities and experiences of persons with disabilities from a diverse range of backgrounds, including but not limited to economic status, gender identity, literacy and language, and race.
It is essential that both our services and facilities be accessible. CCMHC is fully committed to providing the resources to eliminate barriers that may exist, as well as ensuring that our plans for the future do not create new barriers.
This plan is available in alternate format, or with communication support, upon request.
Current Status
The need for mental health help has never been greater for children and families right now. The ability to access our services is essential. We are committed to the Ontarians with Disabilities Act (2005) and are continually enhancing accessibility at CCMHC. We do this by identifying, removing, and preventing barriers for those we serve in our operational practices, policies, procedures, and communications.
Accessibility Training
All new employees, volunteers, students, board members, and people who provide services on behalf of CCMHC receive training, and will continue to receive training, as a key piece of their onboarding. Additional training is provided upon request through team meetings, All Staff meetings, and more. CCMHC maintains records of this training, including dates.
Key Deliverables
This plan is intended to continue to move toward the vision of accessibility and inclusion for all who receive CCMHC services and its employees.
This plan:
- Summarizes actions taken to identify, remove and prevent barriers to persons with disabilities;
- Outlines measures to be taken during the next five years to meet the mandatory requirements of integrated accessibility standards;
- Outlines measures taken to ensure ongoing compliance in five areas:
Information and communications, customer service, transportation, employment, and design of public spaces.
The plans and initiatives contained in this accessibility plan pertain primarily to the operations and services of CCMHC and include the staff, volunteers, and students.
Communication of the Plan
This plan is available on CCMHC’s website and is available in alternate format upon request. Updates on the status of this plan will be posted as required.
CCMHC has an accessibility feedback form on our website under Contact Us. Feedback is forwarded to the Executive and Associate Executive Directors. In addition to the feedback form, there are many other ways to share feedback, including by phone or email.
Review and Monitoring of Plan
To ensure that the plan is monitored and measured against its deliverables, it is reviewed by the Leadership Team on a regular basis.
Commitment to Accessibility
CCMHC is fully committed to building a diverse, accessible, and inclusive organization that considers the principles of dignity, independence, integration, and equality of opportunity to ensure that policies, procedures, practices, programs and services respect the rights and needs of persons with disabilities.
In the coming five years (2024-2029) the Leadership Team will monitor progress toward IASR requirements and other accessibility-related objectives contained in the present plan, and report to Executive Director and Board of Directors on this progress.
Accessibility Achievements
To comply with the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA) CCMHC continues to work hard to prevent and remove barriers to address current and future requirements of the AODA. CCMHC:
- Has developed, implemented and maintained an AODA policy and multi-year plan;
- Ensures all employees, students, volunteers and board members receive training relevant to their jobs on the duty to accommodate persons with disabilities under the Human Rights Code and AODA Integrated Accessibility Standards.
- Communicates CCMHC’s policy and multi-year plan via our website;
- Offers an accessible workplace with an elevator, push button automatic doors, a main floor meeting space, and accessible parking.
- Provides for (or arranges for) the provision of accessible formats and communication supports upon request when able (large print, plain language, sign language);
- Offers several methods for individuals to provide feedback on our services and/or on how we provide services to persons with disabilities;
- Notifies the public about the availability of these accessible feedback processes.
- Provides accessible workplace information when requested.
- Makes our employment practices accessible. Notifies applicants of the availability of accommodation during recruitment, provides accommodation when requested, provides all materials in accessible formats at all stages when requested.
- Files required compliance reports.
- CCMHC’s website complies with web content accessibility guidelines (WCAG). Userway Accessibility Software was purchased and installed.
- When purchasing and acquiring goods, services and facilities, CCMHC considers accessibility along with the quality and price of items.
- CCMHC ensures accessible transportation is arranged when necessary, with trained staff and appropriate communication and assistance for passengers with disabilities.
- CCMHC’s Emergency Preparedness Plan includes arrangements for employees with special needs.
Implementation of the Integrated Accessibility Standards Regulation (IASR) Standards (Ont. Reg. 191-11)
CCMHC’s Leadership Team has accountability for IASR regulatory compliance, allowing for information-sharing, monitoring, and reporting of the implementation process.
For the purposes of this plan, the following definitions apply.
AODA – Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005
IASR – Integrated Accessibility Standards Regulation (Ont. Reg. 191-11)
A “barrier” is anything that prevents a person with a disability from fully participating in all aspects of society because of his or her disability, including a physical barrier, an architectural barrier, an informational or communications barrier, an attitudinal barrier, a technological barrier, a policy, or practice (organizational barrier).
Architectural and Physical barriers are features of building or spaces that cause problems for people with disabilities. For example:
- Washrooms that are not spacious enough for people using wheelchairs or scooters to access,
- Doorways and hallways that are not wide enough for people using wheelchairs or scooters to access,
- Poor lighting for people with low vision,
Informational or communications barriers occur when a person can’t easily understand information. For example:
- Print is too small to read,
- Loud speech is used when addressing someone who is hard of hearing,
- Signs are not clear or easily understandable,
Attitudinal barriers discriminate against people with disabilities. For example:
- Considering people with disabilities to be inferior,
- Assuming someone with a speech impediment can’t understand you,
- A receptionist ignoring someone in a
Technological barriers occur when technology can’t be modified to support assistive devices. For example:
- Web sites that don’t support screen reading
Organizational barriers refer to an organization’s policies, practices or procedures that discriminate against people with disabilities. For example:
- A hiring process that is not open to individuals with disabilities
- Making announcement over a paging system only so that people with hearing impairments can’t hear them
Disability is:
- Any degree of disability, infirmity, malformation or disfigurement that caused by bodily injury, birth defect or illness, and, without limiting the generality of the foregoing, diabetes mellitus, epilepsy, a brain injury, any degree of paralysis or amputation, lack of physical coordination, blindness or visual impediment, deafness or hearing impediment, muteness or speech impediment, or physical reliance on a guide dog or other animal or on a wheelchair or other remedial appliance or device,
- A condition of mental impairment or developmental disability,
- A learning disability, or a dysfunction in one or more in the processed involved in understanding or using symbols or spoken language,
- A mental disorder, or
- An injury or disability for which benefits were claimed or received under the Workplace Safety and Insurance Act, 1997.
Customer Service & Accessibility Standards Work Plan
Description | Strategy | Timeline | Responsibility | |
Education update | Review accessibility education and training offered at CCMHC. | Regularly review all existing Accessibility training programs and update to align with the recommendations. | On-going / Continuing | Leadership Team |
Tools and assistive devices | Assistive devices, service animals & support persons | Continue practice of ensuring persons with disabilities are welcome to use assistive devices, service animals and support persons.
On-going / Continuing | Leadership Team |
Planned disruptions | Providing notice
Ensure employees and persons with disabilities are provided with notice of temporary disruption in the event of a planned or unexpected disruption of services or our facilities. | On-going / Continuing | Leadership Team |
Recruitment Process Work Plan
Description | Strategy | Timeline | Responsibility | |
Promote an inclusive workforce to attract workers with disabilities through the recruitment process | Notifies applicants being interviewed that accommodations are available upon request during the recruitment process | A statement advising all candidates that accommodations will be provided throughout the recruitment & selection process are added to all recruitment documents.
Ensures all successful applicants are notified about CCMHC’s policies for accommodating employees with disabilities and provides updated information whenever there is a change to existing policies on the provision of job accommodations. |
On-going / Continuing |
Human Resources |
Track the number of requests for accommodations received through the recruitment process. | Confirm that we are offering successful solutions to those that require an accommodation throughout any part of the recruitment process. | On-going / Continuing | Human Resources |
Return to Work Accommodation Work Plan
Description | Strategy | Timeline | Responsibility | |
Individual accommodation plans | All employees with a disability shall receive a written accommodation plan. | Each plan will include information on accessible formats and communication supports they require, individual emergency response requirements and any other accommodation needed. | Ongoing | Leadership Team |
Develop a documented return to work process/plan | Review current return to work process in collaboration with WSIB | Steps to take to help employees return to work when they have been absent due to a disability are outlined. Review regularly and with each new return to work situation. | Ongoing | Human Resources and Joint Health & Safety Committee |
Communication Supports | Consults employees with disabilities | Employees will be provided with the accessible formats and communication supports they require to do their job successfully. | Ongoing | HR and the Leadership Team |
Performance Management Work Plan
Description | Strategy | Timeline | Responsibility | |
The performance management process takes into account the accessibility needs of employees with disabilities, including existing accommodation plans. | Review our current performance management process.
When applicable, develop and integrate questions that ensure accessibility needs are identified and addressed in the performance appraisal process.
Review all job descriptions within the agency.
Review performance management format and questions.
Ongoing |
Leadership Team |
Information & Communication
Description | Strategy | Timeline | Responsibility | |
Notify the public about the availability of accessible formats & communication supports. | Insert a statement regarding the availability of alternate formats in all public communications. | Provide or arrange for information in accessible formats and/or communication supports in a timely manner at no extra cost, up on request. | Ongoing | Leadership Team |
Emergency procedures and plan
CCMHC’s Emergency Preparedness Plan includes arrangements for employees with special needs.
Provide emergency procedures, plans or public safety information in an accessible format and /or with communication support to aid the employee. | Ongoing | Property manager |
Ensure website and web content conform to WCAG 2.0
guidelines (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines). |
Website and web content to Level AA by December 31, 2024 (other than live captions and audio description) (14.4) | CCMHC will continue using the Userway Accessibility widget on its website. |
Ongoing |
Leadership Team |
Description | Strategy | Timeline | Responsibility | |
Make transportation features & equipment accessible to passengers with disabilities | CCMHC does not transport clients, but occasionally arranges for transportation.
CCMHC will continue to ensure accessible transportation is arranged when necessary, with trained staff and appropriate communication and assistance for passengers with disabilities.
Ongoing | Leadership Team |
Design of Public Spaces
Description | Strategy | Timeline | Responsibility | |
Ensure that new or redeveloped public spaces are accessible. | CCMHC offers an accessible workplace with an elevator, push button automatic doors, a main floor meeting space, and accessible parking. | Should CCMHC acquire new public spaces or redevelop their current space, it will ensure the space is accessible. | Ongoing | Leadership Team |